Posts tagged with #travel

Visiting New Orleans... At least it's spring somewhere




Previously: Weather to stay

Hannah judges Urbana Diva Slam 2013 in Lower East Side, NY

Saw some amazing spoken word poetry at Urbana Diva Slam, where ladies battled to see who’d represent at the 2013 Women of the World Poetry Slam in March.

I was introduced to poets I should have been following all along: Catalina Ferro, who’s quickly becoming one of my favorites and Thuli Zuma, who took the win Tuesday night. The appearance by Taylor Mali was a wonderful surprise, as well.

Need to do this again. And again. And again.

(Thanks for coming, Daisy & Hannah!)

Sara drove down to New York!

My childhood friend, 18 years and counting. Since the days of, “Wanna play?” Before ubiquitous phones, when she announced her arrival by throwing pebbles at my bedroom window. When she’d come over in the morning and torture me awake so we could carpool to class.

Elementary school recess. Punch buggy bruises. 7-11 candy. Super Nintendo babysat. Four square, tag and tanbark.

18 years and it still feels like we end our playtime too soon.

Previously: Old bachelor & spinster

After-hours at Tooker Alley in Brooklyn

  • Alienman: I’ve lost 15 lbs since you left Portland.
  • Alienman: How to lose weight: step one, get Chris Rhee out of town

I assure
I have
no idea
what she’s

Returning from Bulgaria, December 2011

“In and out of haze. In the clouds, glimpsing out a plane. Living out tomorrow, I forget about today.” —Illmaculate

Hmm… Which will it be?

I’m just happy to be here. Traveled more this month than half my peers traveled in a year.

— Illmaculate (“Rapper of the Year”)

Albert & Corey at Jackalope

Corey at Blind Pig Pub


Lake Clara Meer at Piedmont Park with Jessica

Chess Court at Woodruff Park with some of the regulars

Peachtree Center – Atlanta

View of Piedmont Park & 14th Street from the hotel

View outside the plane window

Thanks Daisy, for accompanying me to the airport.

Moved everything into storage.
See you in a few months, Portland.

Previously: Itinerary

My travel plans for the fall. If I’m in a city near you, let’s hang out.

Sep 30

New York 9 days

Oct 8

Atlanta 10 days

Oct 17

Austin 7 days

Oct 23

Bay Area Many many days