I went from the favorite
To the most hated

But would you rather be underpaid or overrated?
— Jay-Z (“So Appalled”)
A drop-out designer in Portland, OR via Campbell, CA
I went from the favorite
To the most hated
But would you rather be underpaid or overrated?
— Jay-Z (“So Appalled”)
Some profile photos from a popular social network…
A complete set of photos with an explanation (perhaps) will be coming in a few weeks… I’m waiting for everyone to get their package and send me a photo. Credit goes to JLee for creating the shirts and doing all the work. And Tonedeff gets the blame for starting this whole thing.
Also: Merry Christmas, everyone!
I wish I could tell you
it gets better. But…
It doesn’t get better.
You get better.
— Joan Rivers in an episode of Louie
Also known as: My first post. In three parts.
My name is my name.
— Marlo Stanfield in The Wire
If we talk for too long, I’ll forget how we started. Next time I see you, I’m not gonna remember this conversation [...] I’ve told you this before, haven’t I?
— Leonard Shelby in Memento
My perception of passed time has gone to shit.
When I preface anecdotes with, “The other day”, I basically mean any point between yesterday and the beginning of all time.
When I preface anecdotes with, “When I was 8”, I still mean any point between yesterday and the beginning of all time.
The other day, I wanted to create a personal website to capture, collect and catalogue memories, events, interests and inspiration. With its help, I hope to gain a better perspective of what was going on in my life when I was 8.
The key to staying on top of things, is treat everything like it’s your first project. Like it’s your first day, like back when you was an intern [...] Just stay hungry.
— Notorious B.I.G.
Soon, I’ll be 26 years old. I started making websites when I was 13. That’s half my life. And it all started with a (s)crappy personal website with no particular theme, plan, rhyme or reason.
Before I worked for a design agency, or startups, small businesses and multi-billion dollar corporations — I had nothing but a small, unknown place on the internet to play and experiment.
There was no audience. No one to please. Just me, hacking away until the sun came up.
I want that back.